Vacancy rate in Perth rose slightly in July says REIWA President Joe White
Published on August 15, 2024 Published by Sanctuary Real Estate Joe White, REIWA’s President noted that the vacancy rate slightly rose to 0.6 percent in July, indicating a gradual easing of the rental market. He said, “Perth has seen a sustained period of extremely low vacancy rates, with the vacancy rate sitting consistently below 1% […]
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REIWA has identified 30 suburbs in Perth that joined the million-dollar property market in 2023-2024.
The property market in Perth is tight, and this is also seen in the surrounding regions. It follows a reasonably calm era during which price growth lagged behind the notable increases in other large cities, primarily Sydney and Melbourne.
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Perth’s House Price Set to Rise by the End of 2024
Published on: August 7, 2024 Wednesday Published by Sanctuary Real Estate   According to the latest quarterly update from REIWA, Perth’s median house price is projected to increase by over 20 percent in 2024. “If the market continued on the current trajectory, Perth’s median house sale price could reach $740,000 by the end of the […]
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